Thursday, March 27, 2008

Is love a merchandise???

If: sacredness is not the template, to this gift, we refer to as 'life': what is the essence of existence - amen

If: sensual gratification, is the sole 'criterion', why pro-create?? - amen

If: women are free, why, must the Man, be their 'crutches'??- amen

If: the educated minority is 'honest', why is the majority 'enslaved'??- amen

If: greed is not the 'motivator', why aggrandize??-amen

If: 'marriage' is the bond linking two hearts, what's this concern of 'looks': all about??- amen (should all those unworthy souls, without the lottery, referred to as "good looks", commit mass suicide)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

irrlevence of violence

To the people of Israel:
4 millennia of persecution, could not stop, you earning your rightful is sacred- amen; just as Jewish blood is sacred, so is the Palestinian.No amount of blood letting: on either side ensures peace; is it not relevant, that,a war of peace is initiated!!! what are you Israelites unsure about???? just do it!!good luck